A Story About XVI32

On March 25, 2002 I received the following e-mail from Graham Lawrence <forporphyry@hotmail.com>. Thanks to Graham for his kind permission to use his email on my webpage. If you've a similar story to tell about XVI32, I would appreciate to hear from you!


First came across your XV132 about 6 months ago, and I thought to myself, "that sounds like a really nifty program to have, the kind of thing that, when you really need it, nothing else will do". So I put a shortcut to it on my desktop, and never used it, till today. And sure enough, nothing else could do it.

I'm writing a system in R, currently 60+ source files, an unknown number of which had to be changed, but the identifying factor wasn't constant, though the correction was.

XV132's script with Jokeron and Replaceall, and that lovely batch file repeater to the rescue. Did the whole lot in maybe 3 minutes, the screen flickering at me like a fine camp fire on a frosty evening, me sitting open-mouthed at first, then loudly cheering it on.

My old lady comes in to see what all the noise is about, can't figure why I had been surly as a bear at spring wakeup 5 minutes earlier, and now I'm calling for champagne.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, a marvellous program.

Note: R is a programming language for applied mathematicians (statistics and data analysis, mostly). On http://cran.r-project.org you'll find more information about R.

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